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MapQuest driving directions

Use the MapQuest route planner to reach your desired destination. Get directions suitable for car or walking.

Get directions to your destination with MapQuest

Get directions to a nearby destination. Enter a location and destination, plan your route and avoid toll roads or highways along the way with the MapQuest route planner.


Including current traffic and estimated fuel cost.

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Search with Google Maps uses Google Maps to help you find ATMs, bars, gas stations, hospitals, hotels, taxis, restaurants or just about anything in your neighbourhood.

Save important places or routes? Create and share your own maps including photos and driving routes with the free service Google My Maps.



MapQuest driving directions

Use the MapQuest route planner to get directions to your destination. This route planner makes it easy for you to put together a route with multiple destinations and stops. The planner is suitable for routes in the United States and is therefore perfect for day to day use.

Is the MapQuest route planner only there for the car?

The answer to that question is no. MapQuest can be used both when travelling by car and when travelling on foot. This means that you can also use this planner without any problems when you are walking to a destination. You can even use it to compile walking and car routes within the US.

In addition, with the MapQuest driving directions you can calculate the number of miles driven and receive up-to-date traffic information. This way you can change your directions when the MapQuest starts to warn you of delays and traffic jams along the way. In addition, you can fill up at gas stations that are not directly on the freeway without too much trouble. These are often more expensive than normal but many people do not know where to find cheaper stations. Not only will you see the cheaper gas stations but the directions to get there will also be given by MapQuest.

Getting MapQuest driving directions for business use

If you drive a lot for your job and visit many customers or suppliers every day, the MapQuest route planner can help you save time and fuel. If you plan directions at the beginning of the day it will show you the most logical and less stressful route. This allows you to better plan all your appointments and you do not pay more than necessary for the routes you drive. Are you called en route by a customer who urgently wants you to drop by? That is not a problem for this tool either, you just add his address to the existing route.

Is MapQuest easy to use?

Yes, MapQuest is very easy to use. You enter a starting location and a destination, and MapQuest will give you a few options for driving directions. The different options will show you the estimated fuel cost and how the current traffic is. You can also easily share or print the directions and look for extra options along the route such as restaurants, grocery stores and pawn shops.