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Driving directions

Get driving directions to reach your desired destination. Plan your route using Google Maps.

Plan the fastest or shortest route to your destination

Get driving directions to a nearby destination. Use your location and request suggestions including distances and directions in Google Maps.


Find distance to locations from your current position.

On The Go

Use it on the go to look for interesting places.


Navigate over 220 countries and territories in real time.

Search with Google Maps uses Google Maps to help you find ATMs, bars, gas stations, hospitals, hotels, taxis, restaurants or just about anything in your neighbourhood.

Save important places or routes? Create and share your own maps including photos and driving routes with the free service Google My Maps.



How to get driving directions

With a route planner, you have a good tool to help you find all the facilities and businesses that are located near you. These handy apps often show you at a glance what the situation is where you are but also on the road and at your destination. Are you looking for a special restaurant near you? Then the route planner will give you driving directions and show you where you can easily park nearby.

What is the best site for driving directions?

The main task of all route planners is the same, namely to clearly show the fastest and safest routes. If you have not used such an app until now, it is advisable to try out a few first so you know what features they have to offer.

Where some route planners only give driving directions for the car there are others that can show routes for bicycles and public transportation. There are even route planners that show you how to get somewhere on foot. And not in a dangerous way along the road but through footpaths and walkways.

Do you need up-to-date traffic information, for example because you have a busy schedule and do not like to be late? Then check which route planner can show you the most recent information about traffic jams and delays.

Other features of a route planner

In addition to showing you how to get from point A to point B safely and quickly, route planners can often add new destinations to existing routes and show you what amenities, stores and authorities can be found along your route and destination. This feature is especially useful if you are traveling in a city where you are unfamiliar.

For example, you can watch a movie in the nearest movie theater and easily find out where you can have a drink afterwards. Or if you are looking for a hardware store you can immediately see if there are other similar businesses around it and quickly pass by a gas station to fill up the car.

The best driving directions

A large proportion of route planner users consider Google Maps to be the best. This app is free to use and hugely comprehensive due to the large amount of data Google has at its disposal. The handy app is easy to use on Android phones and there is also a version for the desktop. Another well-known app for driving directions is MapQuest.

A paid route planner that is highly regarded by many customers is that of TomTom, the emphasis of this route planner is on navigating from A to B. An additional advantage of these planners is that they can be used even if you are not connected to the Internet. So in areas with little coverage you do not have to worry that you will still get lost.